Investigating on Microorganism of Disposable Sanitary Articles; Preparations of Hot-melt Pressure-sensitive Adhesive for Disposable Articles and Study the Effects of the Influencing Factors 四会市一次性使用卫生用品微生物学调查卫生用品用热熔压敏胶的研制及影响因素探讨
Study on organosilicon-modified-acrylate emulsion pressure-sensitive adhesive for protective film 保护膜用有机硅改性丙烯酸酯乳液压敏胶的研究
Effect of the Charging Method of Chain-Transfer Agent on Emulsion Polymerization Process and Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Properties 链转移剂加入方式对丙烯酸酯乳液聚合过程及压敏粘接性能的影响
Effect of suitable crosslinking on properties of waterborne polyurethane pressure-sensitive adhesive 壳聚糖水溶性衍生物及其温敏水凝胶细胞活性、相容性评价适度交联对水性聚氨酯压敏胶性能的影响
Preparation and Properties of Silicone Modified Polyacrylate Pressure-sensitive Adhesive 有机硅改性聚丙烯酸酯压敏胶的制备与性能研究
FOAMED TAPES are made from EVA foam and foamed substances as the backing material, then coated with Pressure-sensitive adhesive. 是以EVA泡棉等发泡体为基材,涂以压敏胶制造而成。
Study on preparation and performance of water-soluble acrylate pressure-sensitive adhesive 丙烯酸酯系水溶性压敏胶的制备及性能研究
Effect of Crosslinking Agent on Solvent Based Acrylic Pressure-sensitive Adhesive for Protective Film 交联剂对保护膜用溶剂型丙烯酸酯压敏胶性能的影响
The application of double sided pressure-sensitive adhesive tape on modified polypropylene automobile body side moldings ( BSM) is discussed in detail. 综述了双面压敏胶带在以改性聚丙烯为本体的汽车防擦条上的应用。
An optically-clear PET film coated with acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive and laminated with a white PET release liner. 这是一种高透光的PET膜,涂覆有丙烯酸压敏胶合剂,并且层压一个白色PET离型纸。
Preparation and characterization of core-shell polyacrylate/ silica sol composite latexes and their pressure-sensitive adhesive properties 硅溶胶/聚丙烯酸酯乳液型压敏胶的制备与性能
Preparation of High Strength Acrylate Emulsion Pressure-sensitive Adhesive for protective film 保护膜用高剥离力丙烯酸酯乳液压敏胶的研制
The properties of a moisture permeable acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive in transparent semi-permeable dressing were studied, the processing procedure and test mothed of transparent semi-permeable dressing were also introduced. 研究了一种应用于透明敷料中的医用透湿聚丙烯酸酯压敏胶,介绍了透明敷料的制备和测试方法,探讨了压敏胶的性能,以及涂胶量对其透湿性的影响。
Synthesis Technology of High-property Emulsion Acrylate Pressure-sensitive Adhesive 高性能乳液型丙烯酸酯压敏胶合成工艺研究
This paper studied on rosin resin with different softening temperature, which are applied to elastomer pressure-sensitive adhesive as tackifier It is shown that liquid resin could keep adhesive no drying and moistening the surface. 研究了不同软化点的松香树脂作为增粘树脂用于弹性体型压敏胶带中,结果表明:液态树脂可保持胶粘剂的不干性及润湿被粘物表面的性能。
Influence of chain transfer agent and polar monomer on properties of acrylic acid copolymerized emulsion pressure-sensitive adhesive 链转移剂与极性单体对丙烯酸酯乳液压敏胶性能的影响
Study on properties of medical self-crosslinking acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive 医用自交联聚丙烯酸酯压敏胶的性能研究
The research and development of acrylate emulsion pressure-sensitive adhesive ( PSA) modified by all kinds of manner were summarized in this paper. 综述了聚丙烯酸酯乳液型压敏胶的性能特点以及各种改性方式的研究进展。
The pressure-sensitive adhesive tape was made from ultraviolet-curable acrylic acid and alkyl acrylate. 以丙烯酸及丙烯酸酯为单体,采用光敏固化制备压敏胶带。
New research progress in modification of acrylate emulsion pressure-sensitive adhesive 丙烯酸酯乳液压敏胶改性研究新进展
In this paper, the application and the development of SBS hot-melt pressure-sensitive adhesive are described in brief. 本文概述了SBS热熔压敏胶的应用和发展状况。
Technical Development to Produce Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Tape from Emulsion-Type Acrylic Acid 乳液型丙烯酸压敏胶带生产技术的进展
Polyacrylic resin pressure-sensitive adhesive as adhesive; 聚丙烯酸树脂压敏胶为胶粘剂;
Pressure-sensitive adhesive was prepared from linear SBS block copolymer as base-material. 以国产线型SBS嵌段共聚物为主体材料制备了压敏胶。
The structure and properties of transparent pressure-sensitive adhesive tape 透明压敏性胶粘带的结构和性能
This research has studied the influence of the chain transfer agent and polar monomer such as sulfur alcohol, acrylic acid ( AA) and β-hydroxypropyl acrylate(β-HPA) on the properties of acrylic acid copolymerized emulsion pressure-sensitive adhesive. 研究了链转移剂硫醇及极性单体丙烯酸(AA)、丙烯酸-β-羟丙酯(β-HPA)对丙烯酸酯乳液压敏胶性能的影响。
Study on heat resistance solvent based acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive for protective film 保护膜用耐高温溶剂型丙烯酸酯压敏胶的研究
It could be used on the liquid crystal cell bonding with TAC film and pressure-sensitive adhesive. 如果贴上TAC膜及压敏胶,便可以贴附在液晶盒上使用了。
The effects of the initiator dosage, the ratio and composition of monomers, the kinds and amounts of phosphate monomer on pressure sensitivity and flame retardancy of acrylate pressure-sensitive adhesive were discussed one by one. 同时考察了引发剂用量、含磷单体种类及用量等对压敏粘合剂压敏性和阻燃性的影响规律。